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Chimney cleaning

The heat provided by fireplaces and chimneys is pleasant, and in the cold season – extremely necessary and necessary. However, it is not worth forgetting that fireplaces need to be looked after, and chimneys – cleaned at least once a year. Ideal care when the heat sources of your home are cleaned twice a year.

Why is it necessary to do this? The specialists of the Universal Master respond. Practically during every heating season, disasters happen when the residents of the house are poisoned by smoldering or fires occur. The reason for all this is improper installation and maintenance of fireplaces, stoves and chimneys. It is a pity, but such disasters are not a rarity in Lithuania. Chimney cleaning – one of the oldest services provided to homeowners.

Why choose us?


Chimney cleaning isn’t rocket science, but it doesn’t seem like the easiest or most enjoyable job either. However, you should not think about ease, but about fit. Chimney sweeping requires as much knowledge, skill, persistence and caution as any other profession. Our qualified, licensed and experienced chimney sweeps will ensure that your chimney system is safe for you and those around you, and will keep your home warm and cozy!


We demonstrate a flexible approach in all aspects. Need to bring forward the agreed work plan? We’re ready. Want to add/decrease your to-do list? We will agree. Unforeseen reasons appeared that prevented the work from being carried out on the agreed day? We will perform the work at another time convenient for you. It is your duty to inform us, it is our responsibility to adapt to you. The right approach and good management are the things that give us flexibility in our business.


Chimney cleaning isn’t rocket science, but it doesn’t seem like the easiest or most enjoyable job either. However, you should not think about ease, but about fit. Chimney sweeping requires as much knowledge, skill, persistence and caution as any other profession. Our qualified, licensed and experienced chimney sweeps will ensure that your chimney system is safe for you and those around you, and will keep your home warm and cozy!

Fairness and Transparency

Like any other team of specialists at Universal Craftsman, this one also loves their work, respects this craft and protects its reputation. We guarantee that you won’t get any unpleasant surprises with us – when we arrive at the address you specified, we will listen to your wishes and preferences, discuss what specific chimney cleaning work to undertake, take into account your property, and after completing the work, we will give you a verbal report on what work was done. All this without “inflated bills” and “additional necessary services”. We will only do as you decide.

Chimney cleaning Cost?

The oldest method of cleaning chimneys is mechanical, so it is really reliable and effective. In this way, with the help of special brushes, the chimney opening is thoroughly cleaned, the accumulated splintered parts and accumulations of dirt and plaque are collected. Do not entrust chimney cleaning services to amateurs, as it is inexpedient and risky.

The cost of cleaning chimneys – individual and depends on the contamination of a particular chimney, the volumes of work and other unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, experts advise not to forget to take care of chimneys. The more polluted the chimney, the more complex it can be to clean it, and at the same time the higher the price. If the chimney has recently been cleaned, there will be little plaque in it. So you can just burn aspen firewood. It is known that aspen wood emits strong traction, so withered and burnt resinous substances push ash out of the chimney, many of which remain after firing with coniferous firewood. If you use chemicals or preparations to clean the chimney, they will remove soot, but such a method of cleaning chimneys is not suitable for old chimneys. It is more of a prophylactic means of cleaning chimneys.
In order not to have problems all year round, contact specialists in your field – chimney sweepers or certified companies that provide chimney cleaning services. Professionals will effectively and qualitatively clean the chimney and chimney system, protecting your home from a possible fire or other disaster. Chimney cleaning – a reliable protection for you and your family.

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Frequently asked questions

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Select the city where the service should be performed and, having found the contacts of the master, contact him directly by phone or e-mail. by post We encourage direct communication with craftsmen for convenient and accurate ordering of services.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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